What makes these seven places so special?
The seven wonders of the ancient world were once considered some of the greatest feats of engineering ever built.
They were built over 2,500 years ago and remain impressive even today.
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal is India’s most famous monument and one of its greatest tourist attractions. The Taj Mahal was built between 1632 and 1648 by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. This beautiful structure has stood the test of time and remains one of the most iconic symbols of love and devotion.

Taj Mahal means “Crown of Palaces” in Hindi. It is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is also known as the “Jewel of Muslim Art.” It is considered to be one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture,

It took 20 years to build the Taj Mahal. It was constructed over three phases. The first phase started in 1631 and lasted until 1641. During this period, the main building was completed. The second phase began in 1653 and ended in 1665. The third phase started in 1672 and lasted until 1687.

Colosseum, Italy
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Colosseum’? For me, I picture the Roman arena where gladiators fought each other to the death. This ancient amphitheater was built in 70 AD and has stood the test of time. Today, it remains one of Rome’s top tourist attractions.

The Colosseum was originally constructed as a venue for public spectacles such as animal fights, executions, and even mock naval battles. In modern times, however, the Colosseum has become synonymous with the term ‘gladiator.’ The Romans called these fighters’retiarii’ or’retiarius’, meaning retired gladiator.’

Today, the Colosseo is home to over 2 million visitors every year. It’s also the largest amphitheater ever built. If you want to visit the Colosseum, here’s what you need to know.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

The Maya civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in Mesoamerica, dating back over 2,000 years ago. Its influence spread throughout much of present-day Central America and southern Mexico. Chichen Itza is located in the Yucatán Peninsula, approximately 200 miles north of Mérida, Mexico.

It is believed that Chichen Itza was built around 800 AD. This city was constructed using stone masonry and mortar. It has been estimated that the construction took between 500 and 600 years.
Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu has become a major tourist attraction since its rediscovery in 1911. In 2016, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its popularity continues to rise, especially after being featured in the blockbuster movie “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.”

Machu Picchu is a stunning example of Inca architecture. It is also a testament to their engineering skills and architectural vision. The Incas constructed the complex using local materials and techniques, which include adobe brick, stone masonry, terracing, and stonework.

Petra, Jordan
Petra is a city located in southern Jordan. The name comes from the Greek word petra, meaning rock.

Petra was founded around 3000 BC, during the time of King David. It has been inhabited since then. There are several theories regarding the origin of the name. One theory says that the name came from the Greek word Petros which means rock or stone. Another theory suggests that the name comes from the Aramaic language, where the word petha means rock. Yet another theory suggests that the name derives from the Arabic word bdhat, which means a place of refuge.

Petra is known for its ancient architecture, natural beauty, and archaeological sites. It is also home to the Nabataean civilization. The Nabataeans were a group of nomadic tribes who lived in the area between 200 BCE and 100 CE. They built cities such as Petra, Madaba, and Bosra.
Great Wall Of China, China
China has always been known for its technological advancements. The Great Wall of China was built over 2,000 years ago and is still standing today. What makes this wall so special?

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications along the border between China and Inner Mongolia. It stretches across 4,200 kilometers (2,600 miles) from Shanhaiguan City east to Jiayuguan City west.

It took thousands of workers decades to build the wall and even longer to complete it. It is the largest manmade structure ever built.

Great Pyramid Of Giza, Egypt
The Great Pyramid of Giza has stood for over 4500 years. Built during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, it was the largest structure ever built at the time.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops was built between 2560 BC and 2504 BC. It is located near the Nile River in Giza, Egypt. The pyramid is also known as the Step Pyramid because of its stepped design.

(1) The Great Pyramid of Gizeh was built using the same techniques as ancient Egyptians.
(2) The Great Pyramid of Cheopscame into being through applying advanced engineering principles.
(3) The Great Pyramid of Ghizeh was built by the Ancient Egyptian society.