Humans has been using Earth and its resources to best of their capabilities. Infact, they are using it much beyond their own requirement. Deep down, this has impacted the Earth in the worst possible way.
With the rising population and the artificial demands created by the organisations, we are digging down the nature to fulfill our non essential wishes. We have forgotten, human’s life span is just about 80 years while Earth has to remain intact for generations to come.
Nonetheless, Coronavirus or COVID-19 has literally forced us to stay inside and just focus essential services and hence we can see our mother Earth is healing.
Clean and Green Earth
The industries have taken a pause and thus there is a remarkable reduction in the pollution. The sky is clean. The stars are visible and so are our childhood memories.
The significant decline in pollutants has not only cleared up the sky but also the water. The countries such as India where rivers were filled with froth and dirt are regaining their beauty.
Deforestation has taken a break and forests are greener.
Hope the healing last long (but not the Coronavirus)
2. Carbon Dioxide emissions have dropped
Oil and gas industry has stopped for a while and so thus their resulting carbon emissions. Though the lock-down has resulted in a significant economic slowdown, it has caused a decline in health hazardous gases and emissions. Asthma patients have never felt such a health relief in long years.
3. Wildlife is here !
As humans are pushed inside, animals have widened their boundaries to roam around and check out on man’s world. With cleaner air and water and less human sighting, animals are feeling free to come out from their restricted zones.

Turtles are nesting on the beaches and lions taking an afternoon nap in mid of a road is surely silver lining for wildlife.

4. Not everything is Great!
A. Tough time for protected species :
This is also a tough time for endangered species that are being looked after and are dependent on their human friends. Conservationist services are slightly withdrawn during the lockdown and many reserved sanctuaries and National parks remains unmonitored.
B. Illegal encroachment and harvesting :
Some people does not understand the criticality and hence work in a illegal way. As authorities continue their ban, there is still illegal trading going on.
One of the most trafficked animal Chinese Pangolin has made its entry amongst the ‘endangered animal species‘ list of Asia.
C. Animals beyond their territories :
As humans continue to self isolate during this COVID-19 crisis, animals are visiting their territories. This is a new environment for animals. A lot of animals had recently visited the roads and human spaces. But as humans will rise again from the crises, they can cause much damage to these temporary visitors.